Bebear Comel

the Older the World gets, the Newer it becomes
2 bulan lepas. mase start keje dulu. aku slalu buat research pasal macam2 mende. siap carik bace Hadis lah. carik cemane bintang berputar la. cemane nak buat kaca la. carik website kucing lah. blogwalking. blogrunning. belajar CCNA chapter 1 lah (lol.. chapter 1 pastuh dah malas). dan aku buat semua nih time opis hour lah. time aku ade internet. well. sebenarnye sebab aku tak reti buat keje n aku malas buat keje (sebab tak reti). aku bukan jenis manusia internet 24hours. tapi bile aku dapat internet. i could really spend my time. aku rase aku nih macam orang tua zaman dulu. aku tak invest time and money untuk dapatkan ape yg bebudak skang panggil trend. dan trend dunia sekarang adalah internet. everywhere!
tengok orang keliling aku. 1 thing they will always carry with them. THE INTERNET. smartphone, laptop, laptops.. tapi bagi aku, internet nih tak penting dalam hidup aku. melainkan bile aku betul2 perlukannye. or bile aku jumpe something interesting i can do with it. still aku at least cube untuk tidak ketinggalan. this is the new world is it not? hmm..
aku tanak rely too much on the internet. but macam finding places tuh. mmg ar aku Google Map. senang sket keje aku. google map mmg byk menolong aku mencarik tempat2 kat malaysia nih. from Semenanjung to Sabah. Sarawak. Singapore. Arab Saudi. Dubai. Turki. i relied on Google Map. tapi Google Map hanye tunjuk my one designated point yg aku nak pegi tuh je. aku nih jenis adventurous sket. when i have time (i have lots of ‘em btw). aku suke masuk lorong2 kecik. or jalan-jalan yg at first glance. someone will think “mesti tade pape along this road” or “mesti jalan mati”.
this adventurous traits of mine slalu buat aku lambat balik umah. and habis duit beli minyak krete. tapi ade rewards jugak. i know places. i found beautiful places. i can tell to whoever riding the car with me. “kat hujung jalan ni ada mini zoo” or “along this road ada kedai bihun sup paling sedap dalam dunia”, or “jalan nih shortcut pegi this place or that place” and i became the map itself. i remember landmarks. no need to Google Map the same place again.
my family sekarang dah membesar. van pulak dah jual. so kene naik 2 krete kalau nak pegi mane2. my dad drive in 1 car.. and i’d be driving another. my dad’s a natural map. im gonna be like him.. or more.

Thanks for reading :)

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